AES Mong Duong Power Plant has recently received special group of visitors being 42 outstanding secondary school pupils and teachers from Nam Hai Secondary School, Cam Pha city, Quang Ninh province.
The trip was organized up on request of the school’s principal as a meaningful way to encourage and inspire the students having excellent studying results in the last school year. The 8th and 9th grades students who first time entered a power plant could not hide their eagerness and impression. The Plant tour to the turbines, boiler, environment protection facilities and other operation areas
was guided by the Power Plant’s electrical engineer, Mr. Nguyen Duy Quang, who has been very active in energy career orientation activities for students. “It’s amazing to actually get into a Power Plant”, the students were very impressed on how a big modern power plant being operated by only a few people, everything was so clean and in order. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cong, Environment Engineer, also shared with the students measures and processes of emission and waste water treatment so that the environment is best protected. As a student said: “I now feel like studying chemistry more as I know this would help me in protecting the environment in the future”.
The Power Plant’s beautiful large garden appeared to the surprise of the students and teachers with hundreds of pomelo, papaya, guava, and orange trees growing their fruits. “Never in our mind we can imagine that there are so many trees and flowers in a power plant, especially fruit trees. This is really big surprised to us as we all thought that there should be only big machines and equipment”, said a student.
A short conversation with Plant Manager – Kevin Pierce has inspired the students to become an engineer working at a power plant in their home town in the future. “The trip has given me and my students unforgettable experience. Now we know in addition to generate electricity to the country, friendly engineers at AES Mong Duong are working hard to protect the environment and improve lives of the local communities”, the school Principal, Mr. Nguyen Van Tuyen, shared with the Plant team at the end of the visit.