On 27 May 2021, the AES Annual Safety Day was celebrated virtually, with the participation of people at AES Vietnam and our local contractors. This year, under the theme ‘Honoring each other’, the event aims to celebrate all AES Vietnam staff who are putting safety at the core of everything we do while remaining committed in our work to deliver much-needed electricity for Vietnam.
The annual Safety Day is an opportunity to highlight AES Vietnam’s continuing commitment to safety, with various activities organized before and during the event to celebrate one of the most important days at AES.
A month before the official day, the EHS team organized a ‘Workplace Hazard Identification’ Competition – an initiative aiming to refresh knowledge and enhance awareness about occupational health and safety awareness, risk analysis and assessment, as well as improve the working environment and prevent occupational incidents for employees and contractors.
Based on safety observations at the Mong Duong 2 Plant, each team selected one safety concern and developed an EHS project to address the issue. Each project included sections such as root cause analysis, solutions and actions which could include but were not limited to EHS Awareness Training; Occupational working environment improvement; Risk minimization and mitigation; and Occupational incident prevention. There are 33 projects submitted from different teams for improving working conditions and promoting safety behavior. After the first-round evaluation, the 6 projects have been selected to the final round for presentation via Microsoft Teams. The final round of the competition was organized successfully, with projects receiving awards, including Project ‘Falling object prevention solutions during construction & falling conveyor roller during operation’ (1st Prize), Project ‘Minimize falling hazards during maintenance job for CV 03A/B’ (2nd Prize), and Project ‘Fly ash unloading dust prevention’ (3rd Prize) and 3 other projects with Encouragement Prize.
“Safety first is our primary value and top priority at AES. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our AES team has worked together to tackle unprecedented challenges while always putting physical, mental and digital safety first. I would like to thank and honor all AES employees and contractors for all their resilience and efforts to protect each other, our families and our communities so we can keep the lights on,” said, Mr. David Stone, President of AES Vietnam.
This year’s Safety Day is the second time the event has been organized virtually, with the active involvement of all employees and contractors through different activities. As we move forward, AES Vietnam is committed to work to promote the AES Values – “Safety First”, “Highest Standards”, “All Together” – while ensuring the stability of our operations and the continuity of electricity generation and provision for the socio-economic development of Vietnam.