Quang Ninh, 1November 2016 –AES Mong Duong Power Company Limited (AES Mong Duong) official celebration of 2016 Values Day was organized in combination with a community development activity.The Company, together with Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, deliveredapropagandaprogramontrafficsafetytoincreaseawarenessofnotonly AES Mong Duong employees butalsolocalteachersandstudents of Mong Duong High school.
The celebration was well participated by all AES Mong Duong employees, leadership, school teacher and children as well as Provincial and city authorities of Cam Pha/Quang Ninh.
Giving the opening speech, Mr. David Stone shared AES Safety culture to the audience. “At AES Mong Duong, we believe that all people must be on for safety. We try to spread the safety culture not only among AES Mong Duong people but also to the community where we operate.”
This yearValuesDayAward was granted to Ms. Bui Thanh Huyen, HR Executive for her attitudes and actions outstandingly exemplify AES Values.The award was announced and handed by Mr. Kevin Pierce, Plant Manager.
One of the highlights at the Values Day celebration wastraffic safety propaganda which include facts and figures on local traffic conditions, traffic laws and regulations as well as best practices on traffic safety. The propaganda is well in-line with one of AES cored Value – PUT SAFETY FIRST.
On the same day, teachers, students and AES Mong Duong employees participated in several outdoor games and activities to enhance the interaction and promote AES Mong Duong visibility and culture among local communities.
To ensure and further promote best practices on traffic safety, AES Mong Duong provided to all 600 students and teachers participated in the event quality PROTEC helmets for their personal use.
The event was well received and appreciated by local authorities and Mong Duong high school.
More information:
Ms.Ta Thi Thu Thuy
Communication Specialist
Email: thuy.ta@aes.com