Cong Hoa Primary school – Ha Tranh branch: Before and after donation from AES Mong Duong Power Company Ltd.
Cong Hoa commune, 22March 2017–Mr. Kevin Pierce, Plant Manager of Mong Duong 2 Power Plant of AES Mong Duong Power Co. Ltd, joined school children and teacher ofCong Hoa Primary school – Ha Tranh branch on the completion day of their new school fence sponsored by AES Mong Duong. The school hosts about 34 children from Grade 1 to 3 and most of them are from ethnic minorities in Cong Hoa commune. The construction includessecurity fence of 110 mand a school gate with total value over 110 million VND. At the Hand-over event, Mr. Kevin Pierce has said ”the fence and gate do not only provide beautiful scenery for the school but more importantly create a safety surrounding for the children while they are at school”
Teachers and students of Cong Hoa Primary school, leaders of Cong Hoa ward People Committee and several parents joined the event were delighted at the new safe school scenery. As Mr. Luc, Vice Chairman of Cong Hoa’s People Committee said at the event, AES Mong Duong contribution to the socio-economic development in Cong Hoa commune has been significant especially in education and health sectors in the past several years.